The FCMC experience offers you a full Traditional Chinese medicine consultation and diagnosis followed by; massage, cupping, gua sha, acupuncture, breathing techniques, diet and exercise advice, and a follow up treatment plan to help you stay well.
Packages are available and tailor made to your needs and circumstances.
If you would like to know more please call us on 9417 5116.

Acupuncture stimulates increased blood flow to targeted areas of the body and assists the activation of the immune system to enhance the body’s innate ability to heal.
In Chinese Medicine thought ill health is a result of Qi not flowing through the meridians freely, perhaps due to stagnation, excess or deficiency. Treatment with Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific sites along the body's meridians to clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of qi through the individual. The practitioner may also stimulate the acupuncture points using other methods, including moxibustion, cupping, laser therapy, electro-stimulation and massage, in order to re-establish the flow of qi.
Cupping is a therapy in which a vacuum is created within glass cups. These are applied to the skin along the meridians of the body, creating suction to stimulate the flow of Qi (energy) and stimulate blood flow to the area for the purpose of relaxing and healing.

Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine takes an holistic approach to understanding normal physiological function and disease processes. It focuses on both the prevention of illness and on the treatment of disease hence many people use Chinese herbal medicine to not only treat a problem but also to keep them healthy.
Our qualified practitioners are able to prescribe a Chinese herbal formula that specifically matches and treats an individual’s health problem. As the condition changes and improves with treatment, the Chinese herbal treatment is also adjusted and modified until the desired health outcome is achieved.